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By 2006年9月14日No Comments

■■         環境社会学会メールマガジン         ■■
第87号 2006/9/14
■ 第34回環境社会学会セミナー(立教大学)自由報告募集のお知らせ
■ 2007年RC 24 北京環境社会学国際会議のお知らせ
■ アメリカ社会学会「環境と技術」部会入会のすすめ
┃■┃ 第34回環境社会学会セミナー(立教大学)自由報告募集のお知らせ
日 時:2006年12月9日(土)
場 所:立教大学 池袋キャンパス(教室未定)
〒020-0193 岩手県滝沢村滝沢字巣子152-52
岩手県立大学総合政策学部 阿部晃士
TEL 019-694-2726(研究室)
FAX 019-694-2701(学部事務室)
午前: 自由報告
午後: シンポジウム「実践者/専門家—市民調査の可能性と課題」
┃■┃ 2007年RC 24 北京環境社会学国際会議のお知らせ
2007 Beijing International Conference on Environmental Sociology
Call for Papers
June 29-July 1, 2007, Remin University of China
(59 Zhongguancun Ave., Beijing, China, 100872.)
In the past three decades China has enjoyed rapid economic growth that greatly improved the Chinese people’s quality of life, but has also produced increasingly serious environmental deterioration. China’s environmental problems have not only become a threat to the further growth of its economy and continuous improvement of quality of life for its people, but also a major contributor to global environmental deterioration. In response to this situation the Chinese government and Chinese academic scholars are becoming increasingly concerned with China’s environmental situation, and building an “energy-efficient and environment-friendly society”has become a commonly expressed goal.
As one aspect of the increased Chinese attention to environmental issues, academic interest in the area of environmental sociology has begun and is developing steadily. To enhance this growing interest, a 2007 International Conference on Environmental Sociology will be held at Renmin University in Bejing from June 29 to July 1. With a broad focus on China’s environmental situation, the conference has three objectives: (1) To help advance Chinese environmental sociology as an academic discipline; (2) To draw more international scholarly attention to China’s environmental situation; and (3) To provide insights from environmental sociology as a means of developing better understandings of China’s environmental situation.
Proposals for papers that contribute to these objectives are now being solicited. Papers that report the results of research conducted in China or on Chinese environmental problems and issues are particularly welcome, but a variety of papers will be accepted as long at they make a point of showing how the reported research and/or theoretical analyses can contribute to a better understanding of China’s environmental situation.
I. Conference Theme and Topics
Main Theme: Examining China’s Environmental Situation: Insights from Environmental Sociology
Key Topics:
1. Establishing the discipline of environmental sociology in China
2. Sociological analyses of China’s environmental problems
3. Analyses of the Chinese public’s views of environmental issues
4. Sociological analyses of China’s environmental policies
5. The development of civil society in China and its implications for environmental protection
6. Ecological modernization and environmental protection in China
7. Interrelations of science, technology, and environment
8. The development of non-governmental organizations and environmental protection in China
9. China’s contribution to global environmental changes
II. Hosting Institutes
1. Research Center of Sociological Theory and Methods, Renmin University of China
2. Department of Sociology, Remin University of China
3. Department of Sociology, Hohai University, China
4. The Research Committee on Environment and Society (RC 24), International Sociological Association
III. Main Invited Speakers (Not all yet confirmed)
1. Representative from the State Environmental Protection Administration
2. Zheng, Hangsheng, Remin University of China
3. Hong, Dayong, Remin University of China
4. Chen, Ajiang, Hohai University, China
5. Murphy, Raymond, University of Ottawa, Canada (President, RC 24)
6. Mol, Arthur, Wageningen University, Netherlands (Past President, RC 24)
7. Dunlap, Riley, Oklahoma State University, USA (Past President, RC 24)
8. Freudenburg, William, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA (Past President, Rural Sociological Society)
IV. Invited Guests
1. Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Institute of Social Ecology, Austria
2. Spaargaren, Gert, Wageningen University, Netherlands
3. Yearley, Steven, University of Edinburgh, UK
4. Roberts, J. Timmons, College of William Mary, USA
5. Wang, Juju Chin-Shou, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, China
6. Ma, Rong, Peking University, China
7. Li, Youmei, Shanghai University, China
8. Ma, Guoqing, Sun Yat-Sen University, China
9. Zhang, Jijiao, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
10. Zhao, Wanli, Nankai University, China
V. Conference Organizing Committee
1. Hong, Dayong, Remin University of China
2. Zheng, Hangsheng, Remin University of China
3. Li, Lulu, Remin University of China
4. Shi,Guoqing, Hohai University, China
5. Raymond Murphy, University of Ottawa, Canada
6. Riley Dunlap, Oklahoma state university, USA
7. Graeme Lang, University of Hong Kong
8. Chenyang Xiao, Albright College, USA
VI. Expenses and Financial Aid
1. The Conference Organizing Committee will NOT be able to cover travel expenses for participants.
2. The Conference Organizing Committee WILL cover expenses for housing and meals for all invited speakers and invited guests.
3. For all other participants, the Conference Organizing Committee will NOT cover housing costs but will provide assistance in locating convenient lodging. The Committee will provide meals, however.
VII. Registration
1. All participants must register. Please complete and return the attached registration form.
2. Participants can register for free before January 1, 2007. After that, participants can register onsite with a registration fee, 400 RMB for participants from Mainland China, or 100 USD for all others.
3. When registering, please submit your proposed paper’s title and
4. The complete paper must be submitted to the Organizing Committee
by January 15, 2007.
5. The Organizing Committee will finalize the list of participants
by March 1, 2007 and distribute a detailed conference schedule.
6. Participants can register via regular mail or email.
7. The Conference Organizing Committee’s contact information:
a. Mailing Address: Department of Sociology, Remin University, Beijing, China, 100872.
b. Contact persons: Dayong Hong, Suocheng Li
c. Telephone: 86-10-62511143
d. Fax: 86-10-62511143
e. Email:, ,
VIII. Registration form attached
2007 Beijing International Conference of Environmental Sociology
Registration Form
Institutional Affiliation
Complete mailing address
Paper Title
Paper Abstract(no more than 500 words):
┃■┃ アメリカ社会学会「環境と技術」部会入会のすすめ
環境社会学会のアメリカ側のカウンター・パートにあたるアメリカ社会学会「環境と技術」部会(Environment and Technology Section,略称ETS)への入会をおすすめします。アメリカ社会学会はとてもシビアーで,部会のメンバー数に応じて,大会時に開くことのできるセッション数が決まってきます。この2・3年は, 400人を下回っているために,セッション数は2コマ分です(400人を超えると3コマになります)。ETSでは新規メンバーの獲得を呼びかけています。
会員になるには,アメリカ社会学会の会員になる必要があります(海外在住の会員向けには Associate Member という仕組みがあり年間39ドルと割安です(院生会費は17ドル),ただし雑誌を購読する必要があり,雑誌購読費として35〜50ドルが求められます(雑誌によって異なる,院生の場合の雑誌代は25ドル)。「環境と技術」部会の会費は,年間14ドルです(院生は5ドル)(つまり合計で年間88ドル〜103 ドルかかります (院生の場合は計47ドル))。入会は,ASAのウェブサイトから簡単にでき,支払いもクレジット・カードでできます。
およびETS のサイト
これから入会される場合には10月1日以降に手続きされることをすすめます(2007年分の会費として扱われます。 9月末までの入会だと,2006年分の会費として扱われますのでご注意ください)
2007年のアメリカ社会学会は,8月11日から14日,ニューヨークで開催されます。報告の申し込み締切は,2007年1月17日(アメリカ時間) で,フルペーパーの提出が求められます(未発表などの制約があります)。詳細は10月中に,上記のASAのサイトでアナウスされます。
日本社会学会では社会学の国際発信をすすめるために,現在,2014年の世界社会学会議の招致を検討しています(日本社会学会ニュース188号「将来計 画特別委員会中間答申」参照,また拙稿「環境社会学の国際発信に向けて——世界社会学会議と「環境と社会」研究委員会」『環境社会学研究』12号(2006年10月)掲載予定)参照。4年に1回の世界社会学会議での報告とともに,毎年開催されるアメリカ社会学会での報告もおすすめします。疑問の点などがありましたら,emailで長谷川までおたずねください。
(国際交流委員 長谷川 公一(
□発行 環境社会学会 会長・寺田良一(明治大学)
〒422-8529 静岡県静岡市駿河区大谷836
静岡大学人文学部 平岡義和
□編集  西城戸誠(運営委員 法政大学)
□年会費の振り込みは、郵便振替口座:00530-8-4016 口座名:環境社会学会

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