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環境社会学会メールマガジン 第401号

By 2019年2月14日No Comments

■■         環境社会学会メールマガジン         ■■
                        第401号  2019/02/15
■7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology
 in East Asia (ISESEA) Call for Papers Deadline(31, Mar. 2019)
┃■ ┃修士論文発表会プログラムのお知らせ(3月4日開催)
■ 日時:2019年3月4日(月)14:30~18:00(予定)
■ 場所:名古屋大学東山キャンパス 情報文化学部・全学教育棟4階SIS4教室
■ 主催:環境社会学会、名古屋大学環境学研究科社会学講座
■ プログラム
 14:30-14:40 趣旨説明
 14:40-15:30 「里山再生と新しいコモンズの生成
         ―『川崎―仙台 薪ストーブの会』の事例から―」
        (東北大学大学院 高橋知花)
 15:30-16:20 「福島市における汚染土をめぐる人びとのリスク認知と行動
        (名古屋大学大学院 陳天セン)
 16:35-17:25 「日常的な景観のオルタナティブな保全方法
        (大正大学大学院 大槻麻綾)
 17:25-18:00 総合討論
(研究活動委員 青木聡子)
┃■ ┃環境社会学会震災・原発事故特別委員会研究例会のお知らせ(2月28日開催)
『原発被災地の復興シナリオ・プランニング』(金井利之共編著 公人の友社 2016)、
『福島インサイドストーリー 役場職員が見た原発避難と震災復興』(自治体政策研究会
共編著 公人の友社 2016)などを執筆されています。
■日 時:2019年2月28日(木)13:00 ~ 15:30
■場 所:法政大学市ヶ谷キャンパスボアソナードタワー24階
■参加費: 無料 
■申 込: 不要
■内 容:
 〇コメンテーター1 原田利恵さん(国立水俣総合研究センター)
 〇コメンテーター2 高木竜輔さん(いわき明星大学)
 【休 憩】
┃■ ┃7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology
┗━┛ in East Asia (ISESEA) Call for Papers Deadline(31, Mar. 2019)
 ◆ Theme:
  Social Actions to Climate Change and Energy Transition in East Asia:
   Toward a Sustainable Planet
 ◆ Dates:
  October 26(Sat) – 28(Mon), 2019
 ◆ Venue:
  Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University,
  Seoul, Korea
Dear Colleagues,
In 2007, environmental sociologists in East Asia organized the first
International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia (ISESEA).
Since this inaugural meeting, ISESEA has been hold biennially to provide
a platform for environmental sociologists and other social scientists to
debate complex socio-ecological issues and sustainability transition,
particularly from an East Asian perspective. Co-hosting with RC 24 of
International Sociological Association, the Korean Association for
Environmental Sociology (KAES) will host the 7th ISESEA with the theme of
“Social Actions to Climate Change and Energy Transition in East Asia:
Toward a Sustainable Planet”
at Seoul National University during October 26th~28th, 2019.
In the late 20th century, East Asian countries experienced unprecedented
social and ecological changes with rapid economic growth. In this process,
many citizens have become victims of environmental pollution, but economic
growth remains a top priority in East Asia. As a result, given the share of
East Asia in the global economy, East Asian countries have been increasingly
responsible for global environmental problems. The transition to a
sustainable society has become a significant challenge that East Asian
countries can no longer ignore.
Fortunately, there is an increasing number of social actions in East Asia
that seek sustainability transition. For example, not only renewable energy
is spreading rapidly in East Asia, but also in Korea, Taiwan, and Japan,
long-term policies are in place to shut down nuclear power plants.
However, contentious politics for sustainable societies in East Asia is still
in its infancy. Growth coalition, which claims the inevitability of
nuclear power, still has a strong influence, and developmental policies to
destroy the natural environment are also continuing. Furthermore,
the historical experience shared by East Asian countries, including
export-led economic growth, the legacy of authoritarian politics, and strong
aspirations for economic growth, further complicates the politics of transition
between state, market and civil society. From a comparative historical
point of view, the experience of East Asian countries will provide various
implications for developing emerging debates, such as climate justice,
energy democracy, and degrowth, as well as major topics of environmental
sociology, and seeking “just transition”. We hope the 7th ISESEA vitalizes
discussion on social actions to climate change and energy transition,
rethinking its challenges and implications toward a sustainable planet.
While all topics on environmental sociology are welcomed at the conference,
we especially invite papers that address one or more of the following topics:
– Climate actions and energy transition
– Environmental pollutions, environmental victims, and environmental justice
– Transboundary pollution, risk politics, and environmental governance
– Disaster and resilience
– Environmental movements, green politics, and state
– Ecological democracy and ecological citizenship
– Anthropocene and sustainability
– Sustainable development and degrowth
We particularly encourage proposals of organized sessions with 3-4 papers
addressing the same topic.
For individual papers, we will arrange them in the session of similar topics.
 • Deadline for Abstract Submission: March 31st, 2019
 • Announcement of Abstract Acceptance: April 30th, 2019
◆Deadline for the submission of paper abstracts for open panels
If you are interested in participating in this conference,
please send an abstract, no more than 500 words, to ISESEA-7 homepage
by March 31st, 2019.
◆Deadline for the submission of titles and descriptions of sessions
And if you want to organize a session, please send the title and description
of the session including abstracts to ISESEA-7 homepage by March 31st, 2019.
The organizing committee will review the abstracts and contact you
with the result by April 30th, 2019.
For submission-related questions, please email: isesea.7[at]
ISESEA-7 Local Planning Committee
□発 行 環境社会学会 会長 谷口吉光(秋田県立大学)
□事務局 アカデミーセンター (株)国際文献社内 環境社会学会事務局
 〒162-0801 東京新宿区山吹町358-5
 E-mail jaes-post[アットマーク]
□編集・送信 植田今日子(上智大学・事務局長)
□年会費の振り込み先:郵便振替口座:00530-8-4016 口座名:環境社会学会